Procedures for bringing a field of eight teams to the State Class A Basketball Tournament were changed for the 1980 season and since that time the West Region has sent nine different teams as their representatives from 1980-2008. From 1980-90, advancement to the state required that a team fi nish in the top three places at the West Region Tournament. Beginning with 1990, the top four teams advance. The following is a record of each team’s placement for the 28 years of this tourney (the numbers indicate the scores in the games for first,
second, third and fourth)
1. Minot - 48
2. Williston - 36
3. Dickinson - 46
4. Century - 43
5-6. Bismarck
5-6. Trinity
7-8. Mandan
7-8. St. Mary’s
1. Minot - 31
2. Williston - 24
3. Century - 49
4. Bismarck - 36
5-6. Mandan
5-6. Trinity
7-8. Dickinson
7-8. St. Mary’s |
1. Minot - 39
2. Bismarck - 35
3. Century - 45
4. Trinity - 40
5-6. Mandan
5-6. Williston
7-8. St. Mary’s
7-8. Dickinson |
1. Bismarck - 58
2. Century - 55
3. Trinity - 26
4. Minot - 23
5-6. Williston
5-6. Mandan
7-8. St. Mary’s
7-8. Dickinson |
1. Minot - 50
2. Bismarck - 45
3. Mandan - 36
4. Williston - 28
5-6. Dickinson
5-6. Century
7-8. St. Mary’s
7-8. Trinity |
1. Bismarck - 39
2. Century - 33
3. Williston - 45
4. Minot - 36
5-6. Dickinson
5-6. Mandan
7-8. Trinity
7-8. St. Mary’s |
1. Century - 52
2. Dickinson - 46
3. Minot - 29
4. Williston - 21
5-6. Bismarck
5-6. Mandan
7-8. St. Mary’s
7-8. Trinity |
1. Minot - 47
2. Century - 41
3. Mandan - 52
4. Dickinson - 48
5-6. Bismarck
5-6. Trinity
7-8. St. Mary’s
7-8. Williston |
1. Mandan - 67
2. Century - 44
3. Bismarck - 36
4. Minot - 24
5-6. St. Mary’s
5-6. Trinity
7-8. Dickinson
7-8. Williston |
1. Bismarck - 50
2. St. Mary’s - 45
3. Minot - 39
4. Mandan - 38
5-6. Century
5-6. Trinity
7-8. Dickinson
7-8. Williston |
1. Bismarck - 43
2. Minot - 41
3. Century - 49
4. St. Mary’s - 41
5-6. Mandan
5-6. Belcourt
7-8. Dickinson
7-8. Trinity |
1.Bismarck - 42
2. Mandan - 37
3. Minot - 44
4. St. Mary’s - 40
5-6. Century
7-8. Belcourt
7-8. Williston |
1. Minot - 46
2. Mandan - 35
3. St. Mary’s - 45
4. Century - 37
5-6. Dickinson
5-6. Bismarck
7-8. Belcourt
7-8. Williston |
1. Mandan - 54
2. Century - 19
3. St. Mary’s - 50
4. Minot - 48
5-6. Williston
5-6. Dickinson
7-8. Belcourt
7-8. Bismarck |
1. Mandan - 58
2. Williston - 31
3. St. Mary’s - 67
4. Dickinson - 52
5-6. Century
5-6. Bismarck
7-8. Belcourt
7-8. Minot |
1. Mandan - 55
2. Williston - 32
3. Bismarck - 61
4. Minot - 52
5-6. Century
5-6. St. Mary’s
7-8. Belcourt
7-8. Dickinson |
1. Mandan -57
2. Minot - 53
3. St. Mary’s - 61
4. Century - 41
5-6. Bismarck
5-6. Dickinson
7-8. Belcourt
7-8. Williston |
1. Mandan - 65
2. Century - 47
3. Bismarck - 39
4. Williston - 22
5-6. Minot
5-6. St. Mary’s
7-8. Dickinson
7-8. Belcourt |
1. Mandan - 55
2. Century - 43
3. Bismarck
4. St. Mary’s
5-6. Minot
5-6. Williston
7-8. Dickinson
7-8. Belcourt |
1. Williston - 65
2. Mandan - 60
3. Bismarck
4. Minot
5-6. St. Mary’s
5-6. Belcourt
7-8. Beulah
7-8. Dickinson
9. Century |
1. Bismarck - 74
2. Minot - 48
3. Mandan
4. Century
5-6. Williston
5-6. Dickinson
7-8. St. Mary’s
7-8. Beulah
9. Belcourt |
1. Minot - 59
2. Beulah - 32
3. Mandan
4. Dickinson
5-6. Williston
5-6. Century
7-8. Bismarck
7-8. St. Mary’s
9. Belcourt |
1. Mandan - 48
2. Dickinson - 28
3. Century
4. Minot
5-6. Beulah
7-8. Williston
7-8. St. Mary’s
9. Belcourt |
1. Mandan - 56
2. Century - 52
3. Dickinson
4. Williston
5-6. Bismarck
5-6. Minot
7-8. Beulah
7-8. St. Mary’s
9. Belcourt |
1. Century - 51
2. Mandan - 47
3. Dickinson
4. Bismarck
5-6. Williston
5-6. St. Mary’s
7-8. Belcourt
7-8. Minot
9. Beulah |
1. Mandan - 62
2. Century - 57
3. Bismarck
4. Minot
5-6. Dickinson
5-6. Williston
7-8. St. Mary’s
7-8. Beulah
9. Belcourt |
1. Mandan - 76
2. Bismarck - 59
3. Century
4. Jamestown
5-6. Minot
5-6. Dickinson
7-8. Belcourt
7-8. St. Mary’s
9. Williston
1. Mandan - 64
2. Bismarck - 56
3. Minot
4. Century
5-6. Jamestown
5-6. Belcourt
7-8. Dickinson
7-8. Williston
9. St. Mary’s |
1.Century - 57
2. Mandan- 55
3. Bismarck
4. Jamestown
5-6. Dickinson
5-6. Belcourt
7-8. Williston
7-8. Dickinson
9. St. Mary’s |